Monday, May 9, 2016

3-Body Gravitational Attraction System Simulator

C++ program that calculates the resulting gravitational force in a system with three massive particles.

#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main () {
double fd1, fd2, fd3, M1, M2, M3, d12, d23, d31, A1, A2, A3, Fr1, Fr2, Fr3, A1M, A2M, A3M, D12, D23, D31, Fd1, Fd2, Fd3, RA1, RA2, RA3, x, y, z, FR1, FR2, FR3, IN1, IN2, IN3, V, AA1, AA2, AA3, a1, a2, a3;
const double G = 0.000000000066741;
const double PI = 3.14159265359;
cout << "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n/////////////////////////////TGASS/////////////////////////////////\nWelcome to the Triangular Gravitational Attraction System Simulator\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n///////////////////Made by Eduardo Monteiro////////////////////////";
cout << "Insert the masses of the three particles and the distance between the barycenters, place the angles between them if they have triangular positions.\nThe gravitational constant is considered 0.000000000066741 and PI is considered 3.14159265359. Insert mass in Kilograms, space in meters and angles in degrees. If the particles are aligned vertically to each other insert 0 in the angles.";
cout << "Mass of particle 1:";
cin >> M1;
cout << "Mass of particle 2:";
cin >> M2;
cout << "Mass of particle 3:";
cin >> M3;
cout << "Distance between particle 1 and 2:";
cin >> d12;
cout << "Distance between particle 2 and 3:";
cin >> d23;
cout << "Distance between particle 3 and 1:";
cin >> d31;
cout << "Angle formed by particle 1:";
cin >> AA1;
cout << "Angle formed by particle 2:";
cin >> AA2;
cout << "Angle formed by particle 3:";
cin >> AA3;
D12 = d12*d12;
D23 = d23*d23;
D31 = d31*d31;
fd1 = M1*M2/D12;
fd2 = M2*M3/D23;
fd3 = M3*M1/D31;
Fd1 = fd1*G;
Fd2 = fd2*G;
Fd3 = fd3*G;
if(AA1 != 0, AA2 != 0, AA3 !=0){
A1 = 180-AA1;
A2 = 180-AA2;
A3 = 180-AA3;
V = PI/180;
RA1 = A1*V;
RA2 = A2*V;
RA3 = A3*V;
x = RA1/2;
y = RA2/2;
z = RA3/2;
IN1 = sin(x);
IN2 = sin(y);
IN3 = sin(z);
FR1 = IN1*Fd1;
FR2 = IN2*Fd2;
FR3 = IN3*Fd3;
Fr1 = FR1;
Fr2 = FR2;
Fr3 = FR3;
a1 = Fr1/M1;
a2 = Fr2/M2;
a3 = Fr3/M3;

cout << "Resultating gravitational force exhibited in particle 1 is:"<< Fr1 << endl;
cout << "Resultating gravitational force exhibited in particle 2 is:"<< Fr2 << endl;
cout << "Resultating gravitational force exhibited in particle 3 is:"<< Fr3 << endl;
cout << "Acceleration of particle 1 is:"<< a1 << endl;
cout << "Acceleration of particle 2 is:"<< a2 << endl;
cout << "Acceleration of particle 3 is:"<< a3 << endl;
cout << "_________1___________\n_________O___________\n_____________________\n_____________________\n_____________________\n__2_______________3__\n__O_______________O__";
if(AA1 == 0, AA2 == 0, AA3 == 0){
Fr1 = Fd1+Fd3;
Fr2 = Fd2-Fd1;
Fr3 = Fd3+Fd2;
a1 = Fr1/M1;
   a2 = Fr2/M2;
   a3 = Fr3/M3;
cout << "Resultating gravitational force exhibited in particle 1 is:"<< Fr1 << endl;
cout << "Resultating gravitational force exhibited in particle 2 is (positive result means vector is pointing to the right and negative result means vector is pointing to the left):"<< Fr2 << endl;
cout << "Resultating gravitational force exhibited in particle 3 is:"<< Fr3 << endl;
cout << "Acceleration of particle 1 is:"<< a1 << endl;
cout << "Acceleration of particle 2 is:"<< a2 << endl;
cout << "Acceleration of particle 3 is:"<< a3 << endl;
cout << "_____________________\n_____________________\n_1_______2________3__\n_O_______O________O__\n_____________________\n_____________________\n";

    if(d31 != d12+d23){
cout << "If the angles are zero the distance between the particle 1 and the particle 3 should be the sum of the distance between the particle 1 and the particle 2 and the distance between the particle 2 and the particle 3.";
return 0;


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Gravitational Force Calculator

A simple c++ program to calculate the force between two massive bodies.

using namespace std;
int main ()
  double d;
  double T;
  double r;
  double M1;
  double M2;
  double Fg;
  double a1;
  double a2;
  const double G = 0.000000000066741;
  cout << "Welcome to the first version of Gravitational Force Calculator.";
  cout << "This program was made by Eduardo Monteiro.";
  cout << "Insert the masses of the two objects and them insert the distance between the barycenters of the objects. The gravitational constant is considered 0.000000000066741.";
  cout << "Mass of point particle 1 (Kilograms) =";
  cin >> M1;
  cout << "Mass of point particle 2 (Kilograms) =";
  cin >> M2;
  cout << "Distance between barycenters (Meters) =";
  cin >> r;
  d = r*r;
  T = M1*M2/d;
  Fg = T*G;
  Fg = M1*a1;
  Fg = M2*a2;
  cout << "Gravitational Force ="<< Fg << endl;
  cout << "Acceleration of particle 1="<< a1 << endl;
  cout << "Acceleration of particle 2=" << a2 << endl;